Source code for cheshire3.resultSet

import sys
import types
import math
import operator
import time
import cStringIO as StringIO
    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle
from itertools import combinations
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, unescape
from lxml import etree

from cheshire3.baseObjects import ResultSet, ResultSetItem, Index, Workflow
from cheshire3.utils import SimpleBitfield
from cheshire3 import cqlParser

def ucescape(data):
    return unicode(escape(data), 'latin-1')

srlz_typehash = {int: 'int',
                 long: 'long',
                 str: 'str',
                 unicode: 'unicode',
                 bool: 'bool', 
                 type(None): 'None', 
                 float: 'float'}

dsrlz_typehash = {}
for k, v in srlz_typehash.iteritems():
    dsrlz_typehash[v] = k

class RankedResultSet(ResultSet):

    def _sumWeights(self, items, n):
        """Sum the values."""
        item = items[0]
        item.weight = sum([x.weight for x in items])
        return item
        #item.weight = sum([x.weight for x in items if (x.weight != 0.5)])
    def _meanWeights(self, items, n):
        """Mean average the values."""
        item = items[0]
        item.weight = sum([x.weight for x in items])
        item.weight = item.weight / n
        return item
        #trueWeightedItems = [x.weight for x in items if (x.weight != 0.5)]
        #item.weight = sum(trueWeightedItems)
        #item.weight = item.weight / len(trueWeightedItems)

    def _normWeights(self, items, n):
        """Normalize the values and average them."""
        for i in items:
            i.weight = i.weight * (i.resultSet.minWeight / i.resultSet.maxWeight)
        return self._meanWeights(items, n)

    def  _cmbzWeights(self, a, b):
        """Normalise and rescale values."""
        a.weight = a.weight * (self.minWeight / self.maxWeight)
        if b:
            b.weight = b.weight * (self.minWeight / self.maxWeight)
            a.weight = (a.weight + b.weight) *  2.0
            a.weight = a.weight / 2.0

    def _nprvWeights(self, a, b):
        """Normalise values and privilege high ranked documents."""
        a.weight = a.weight * (self.minWeight / self.maxWeight)
        if b:
            b.weight = b.weight * (self.minWeight / self.maxWeight)
            a.weight = (a.weight + b.weight) *  2.0
            # Leave high ranking ones high
            rlen = len(a.resultSet._list)
            if (( rlen > 150 and item.resultSetPosition > 100)
                or (rlen < 150 and item.resultSetPosition > rlen/2)):
                a.weight = a.weight  / 2.0

    def _pivotWeights(self, a, b):
        """Determine which item is component set, and which item is from document set
        If the component's parent document's id is the same as the one in the
        full document list, then adjust

        Normalize min/max as above
        Pivot default is 0.7, but allow override
        (Pivot * documentScore) + ((1-pivot) * componentScore)

        If not in the list then just ((1-pivot) * componentScore)
        raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SimpleResultSet(RankedResultSet): _list = [] id = "" termid = -1 totalOccs = 0 totalRecs = 0 expires = 0 index = None queryTerm = "" queryFreq = 0 queryPositions = [] queryTime = 0 query = None relevancy = 0 maxWeight = 0 minWeight = 0 termWeight = 0.0 recordStore = "" rsiConstructor = None attributesToSerialize = [] recordStoreSizes = 0 termIdHash = {} fromStore = 0 def __init__(self, session, data=None, id="", recordStore=""): self.rsiConstructor = SimpleResultSetItem self.attributesToSerialize = [('id', ''), ('termid', -1), ('totalOccs', 0), ('totalRecs', 0), ('expires', 0), ('queryTerm', ''), ('queryFreq', 0), ('queryPositions', []), ('relevancy', 0), ('maxWeight', 0), ('minWeight', 0), ('termWeight', 0.0), ('recordStore', ''), ('recordStoreSizes', 0), ('index', None), ('queryTime', 0.0), ('query', '') ] if data is not None: self._list = list(data) else: self._list = [] = id self.recordStore = recordStore self.relevanceContextSets = { "info:srw/cql-context-set/2/relevance-1.0": 1.0, "info:srw/cql-context-set/2/relevance-1.1": 1.1, "info:srw/cql-context-set/2/relevance-1.2": 1.2 } self.termid = -1 self.totalOccs = 0 self.totalRecs = 0 self.expires = 0 self.index = None self.queryTerm = "" self.queryFreq = 0 self.queryPositions = [] self.queryTime = 0.0 self.query = None self.relevancy = 0 self.maxWeight = 0 self.minWeight = 0 self.termWeight = 0.0 self.recordStoreSizes = 0 self.termIdHash = {} self.fromStore = 0 def __getitem__(self, k): return self._list[k] def __len__(self): return len(self._list) def fromList(self, data): self._list = data # TODO: fix nasty rename hack def serialise(self, session, pickleOk=1): return self.serialize(session, pickleOk) def serialize(self, session, pickleOk=1): # Turn into XML # this is pretty fast, and generates better XML than previous xml = [u'<resultSet>'] rsetattrs = self.attributesToSerialize for (a, deft) in rsetattrs: val = getattr(self, a) if val != deft: if type(val) in [dict, list, tuple]: valstr = pickle.dumps(val)#, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # use later version of pickle protocol to deal with new-style classes, unicode etc. xml.append(u'<d n="%s" t="pickle">%s</d>' % (a, ucescape(valstr))) elif isinstance(val, Index): xml.append(u'<d n="%s" t="object">%s</d>' % (a, escape( elif a == 'query' and val: xml.append(u'<d n="%s" t="cql">%s</d>' % (a, escape(val.toCQL()))) else: xml.append(u'<d n="%s" t="%s">' % (a, srlz_typehash.get(type(val), ''))) if type(val) in [int, long, float, bool, None]: xml.append(escape(unicode(val))) else: xml.append(escape(val)) xml.append(u'</d>') for item in self: xml.append(item.serialize(session, pickleOk)) xml.append(u'</resultSet>') all = u''.join(xml) return all.encode('utf-8') # TODO: fix nasty rename hack def deserialise(self, session, data): return self.deserialize(session, data) def deserialize(self, session, data): # This is blindingly fast compared to old version! def value_of(elem): #typehash = {'int' : int, 'long' : long, 'bool' : bool, 'float' : float} t = elem.attrib['t'] txt = unescape(elem.text) if t == 'pickle': val = pickle.loads(txt.encode('utf-8')) elif t == 'None': val = None elif t == 'object': # dereference id db = session.server.get_object(session, session.database) val = db.get_object(session, txt) elif t == 'cql': try: val = cqlParser.parse(txt) except: raise elif t in dsrlz_typehash: if type(txt) == unicode and t != 'unicode': val = dsrlz_typehash[t](txt.encode('utf-8')) else: val = dsrlz_typehash[t](txt) else: val = txt return val root = etree.fromstring(data) rsiConstructor = self.rsiConstructor rsi = None pi = [] hit = [] for e in root.iter(tag=etree.Element): e2 = e if e.tag == 'd': name = e.attrib['n'] val = value_of(e) if rsi: setattr(rsi, name, val) else: setattr(self, name, val) elif e2.tag == 'item': if rsi: if hit: pi.append(hit) rsi.proxInfo = pi self.append(rsi) rsi = rsiConstructor(session) pi = [] hit = [] elif e2.tag == 'hit': if hit: pi.append(hit) hit = [] elif e2.tag == 'w': hit.append([int(x) for x in e2.attrib.values()]) if rsi: if hit: pi.append(hit) rsi.proxInfo = pi self.append(rsi) return self def append(self, item): item.resultSet = self item.resultSetPosition = len(self._list) self._list.append(item) def extend(self, itemList): for i in itemList: self.append(i) def _lrAssign(self, session, others, clause, cql, db): """Assign Logistic Regression weights and merge items in resultSets in others into self in a single method.""" if (db): totalDocs = db.totalItems if totalDocs == 0: raise ValueError("No documents in database?") else: # Uhoh raise NameError("Database not supplied to relevancy algorithm") # William S Cooper proposes: constants = [-3.7, 1.269, -0.31, 0.679, -0.0674, 0.223, 2.01] # Ray R Larson proposes: constants = [-3.7, 1.269, -0.31, 0.679, -0.021, 0.223, 4.01] # Index Configuration proposes: pm = db.get_path(session, 'protocolMap') if not pm: db._cacheProtocolMaps(session) pm = db.protocolMaps.get('') db.paths['protocolMap'] = pm idx = pm.resolveIndex(session, clause) if (idx): for x in range(7): temp = idx.get_setting(session, 'lr_constant%d' % x) if (temp): constants[x] = float(temp) # Query proposes: for m in cql.modifiers: # Already been pinged for resolve() if (m.type.prefixURI in self.relevanceContextSets): if m.type.value.startswith("const"): try: constants[int(m.type.value[5])] = float(m.value) except ValueError: # Invalid literal for float() pass except IndexError: # list index out of range pass sumLogQueryFreq = 0.0 sumQueryFreq = 0 sumIDF = 0.0 # Sort rss by length # Each rs represents one unique word in query for rs in others: sumLogQueryFreq += math.log(rs.queryFreq) sumQueryFreq += rs.queryFreq n = len(rs) if n: rs.idf = math.log(totalDocs / float(n)) x2 = math.sqrt(sumQueryFreq) # resultSets will be sorted by item already # Step through all concurrently tmplist = [] recStores = {} nors = len(others) lens = [len(o) for o in others] oidxs = range(1,nors) positions = [0] * nors all = cql.value in ['all', 'and', '=', 'prox', 'adj'] maxWeight = -1 minWeight = 9999999999 cont = 1 while cont: items = [others[0][positions[0]]] rspos = [0] for o in oidxs: try: nitem = others[o][positions[o]] except IndexError: # no more items in this rs continue if nitem == items[0]: items.append(nitem) rspos.append(o) elif nitem < items[0]: if all: # skip until equal or greater positions[o] += 1 while positions[o] < lens[o] and others[o][positions[o]] < items[0]: positions[o] += 1 else: items = [nitem] rspos = [o] for r in rspos: positions[r] += 1 while others and positions[0] == len(others[0])-1: others.pop(0) positions.pop(0) if not others: cont = 0 if all and len(items) < nors: continue # sumLogDAF = sum(map(math.log, [x.occurences for x in items])) sumLogDAF = sum([math.log(x) for x in [y.occurences for y in items]]) sumIdx = sum([x.resultSet.idf for x in items]) x1 = sumLogQueryFreq / float(n) x3 = sumLogDAF / float(n) x5 = sumIDF / float(n) x6 = math.log(float(n)) # FIXME: item undefined try: recStore = recStores[item.recordStore] except KeyError: db = session.server.get_object(session, session.database) recStore = db.get_object(session, item.recordStore) recStores[item.recordStore] = recStore doclen = recStore.fetch_recordMetadata(session,, 'wordCount') x4 = math.sqrt(doclen) logodds = constants[0] + (constants[1] * x1) + (constants[2] * x2) + \ (constants[3] * x3) + (constants[4] * x4) + (constants[5] * x5) + \ (constants[6] * x6) item.weight= 0.75 * (math.exp(logodds) / (1 + math.exp(logodds))) tmplist.append(item) if item.weight > maxWeight: maxWeight = item.weight elif item.weight < minWeight: minWeight = item.weight self._list = tmplist self.minWeight = minWeight self.maxWeight = maxWeight self.relevancy = 1 return 1 def _coriAssign(self, session, others, clause, cql, db): """Assign CORI weighting to each item in each resultSet in others.""" if (db): totalDocs = float(db.totalItems) avgSize = float(db.meanWordCount) if not totalDocs or not avgSize: raise ValueError("0 documents in database") else: raise NameError("Database not supplied to relevancy algorithm") rsizes = clause.relation['recstoresizes'] if not rsizes: rsizes = self.recordStoreSizes recStoreSizes = {} recStores = {} for rs in others: matches = float(len(rs)) if not matches: rs.minWeight = 1.0 rs.maxWeight = -1.0 continue I = math.log((totalDocs + 0.5) / matches) / math.log(totalDocs + 1.0) rs.minWeight = 1000000.0 rs.maxWeight = -1.0 for item in rs: df = float(item.occurences) recStore = recStores.get(item.recordStore, None) if not recStore: recStore = db.get_object(session, item.recordStore) recStores[item.recordStore] = recStore size = recStore.fetch_recordMetadata(session,, 'wordCount') if rsizes: avgSize = recStore.meanWordCount T = df / ( df + 50.0 + (( 150.0 * size) / avgSize)) item.weight = 0.4 + (0.6 * T * I) if item.weight > rs.maxWeight: rs.maxWeight = item.weight if item.weight < rs.minWeight: rs.minWeight = item.weight return 0 def _tfidfAssign(self, session, others, clause, cql, db): """Assign TF-IDF weighting to each item in each resultSet in others.""" # each rs in others represents records matching a single term # w(i,j) = tf(i,j) * (log ( N / df(i))) if (db): totalDocs = float(db.totalItems) if not totalDocs: raise ValueError("0 documents in database") else: raise NameError("Database not supplied to relevancy algorithm") for rs in others: matches = float(len(rs)) rs.minWeight = 10000000.0 rs.maxWeight = -1.0 for item in rs: weight = item.occurences * math.log(totalDocs / matches) item.weight = weight if rs.maxWeight < weight: rs.maxWeight = weight if rs.minWeight > weight: rs.minWeight = weight return 0 def _okapiAssign(self, session, others, clause, cql, db): """Assign Okapi BM-25 weighting to each item in each resultSet in others.""" if (db): totalDocs = float(db.totalItems) avgSize = float(db.meanWordCount) if not totalDocs or not avgSize: raise ValueError("0 documents in database") else: raise NameError("Database not supplied to relevancy algorithm") # tuning parameters [b, k1, k3] # default constants = [0.75, 1.5, 1.5] # Index Configuration proposes: pm = db.get_path(session, 'protocolMap') if not pm: db._cacheProtocolMaps(session) pm = db.protocolMaps.get('') db.paths['protocolMap'] = pm idx = pm.resolveIndex(session, clause) if (idx): for i, const in enumerate(['b', 'k1', 'k3']): temp = idx.get_setting(session, 'okapi_constant_' + const) if (temp): constants[i] = float(temp) # Query proposes: for m in cql.modifiers: # Already been pinged for resolve() if (m.type.prefixURI in self.relevanceContextSets): if m.type.value.startswith("const"): try: constants[int(m.type.value[5])] = float(m.value) except ValueError: # Invalid literal for float() pass except IndexError: # list index out of range pass rsizes = clause.relation['recstoresizes'] if not rsizes: rsizes = self.recordStoreSizes recStoreSizes = {} recStores = {} b, k1, k3 = constants for rs in others: matches = float(len(rs)) if not matches: rs.minWeight = 1.0 rs.maxWeight = -1.0 continue idf = math.log(totalDocs / matches) # idf = max(0.0, math.log(totalDocs - matches + 0.5 / matches + 0.5)) # give it a floor of 0 qtw = ((k3 + 1) * rs.queryFreq) / (k3 + rs.queryFreq) rs.minWeight = 1000000.0 rs.maxWeight = -1.0 for item in rs: docFreq = float(item.occurences) recStore = recStores.get(item.recordStore, None) if recStore is None: recStore = db.get_object(session, item.recordStore) recStores[item.recordStore] = recStore size = recStore.fetch_recordMetadata(session,, 'wordCount') if rsizes: avgSize = recStore.meanWordCount T = ((k1 + 1) * docFreq) / ((k1 * ((1 - b) + b * (size / avgSize))) + docFreq) item.weight = idf * T * qtw if item.weight > rs.maxWeight: rs.maxWeight = item.weight if item.weight < rs.minWeight: rs.minWeight = item.weight return 0 def combine(self, session, others, clause, db=None): """Combine resultSets in others into self and return.""" try: cql = clause.boolean except AttributeError: cql = clause.relation self.query = clause all = cql.value in ['all', 'and', '=', 'prox', 'adj', 'window'] # XXX: To Configuration. How? relSets = self.relevanceContextSets cqlSets = ["info:srw/cql-context-set/1/cql-v1.1", "info:srw/cql-context-set/1/cql-v1.2"] relevancy = 0 pi = 0 algorithm = "cori" combine = "mean" modType = "" for m in cql.modifiers: m.type.parent = clause m.type.resolvePrefix() if (m.type.prefixURI in relSets): # Relevancy info relevancy = 1 if m.type.value == "algorithm": algorithm = m.value.lower() elif m.type.value == "combine": combine = m.value.lower() elif (m.type.prefixURI in cqlSets and m.type.value == "relevant"): # Generic 'relevancy please' request relevancy = 1 elif m.type.value == 'proxinfo': pi = 1 # Check if any others are relevance ranked already and preserve if (not relevancy): for x in others: if (x.relevancy): relevancy = 1 break # sort result sets by length if not cql.value in ['not', 'prox']: others.sort(key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=not all) if (relevancy): self.relevancy = 1 if (isinstance(cql, cqlParser.Relation)): fname = "_%sAssign" % algorithm if (hasattr(self, fname)): fn = getattr(self, fname) else: # we /could/ self inspect to sat what relevance algorithms are supported... raise NotImplementedError("Relevance algorithm '{0}' not implemented".format(algorithm)) finish = fn(session, others, clause, cql, db) if finish: return self if len(others) == 1 and len(others[0].queryPositions) < 2: if relevancy: # Just adding relevance to items? others[0].relevancy = 1 if pi: o = others[0] for i in o: for pii in i.proxInfo: [x.append(o.termid) for x in pii] return others[0] if relevancy: maxWeight = -1 minWeight = 9999999999 fname = "_%sWeights" % combine if (hasattr(self, fname)): fn = getattr(self, fname) else: raise NotImplementedError tmplist = [] oidxs = range(1,len(others)) lens = [len(x) for x in others] nors = len(others) # Fast escapes if all and 0 in lens: return self elif sum(lens) == 0: return self elif nors == 2 and cql.value in ['or', 'any'] and 0 in lens: # A or (empty) == A return others[int(lens[0] == 0)] positions = [0] * nors cmpHash = {'<' : [-1], '<=' : [-1, 0], '=' : [0], '>=' : [0, 1], '>' : [1]} distance = 1 unit = "word" comparison = "=" ordered = 0 if (cql.value in ['prox', 'window'] and cql.modifiers): if (cql['unit']): unit = cql['unit'].value if (cql['distance']): distance = int(cql['distance'].value) comparison = cql['distance'].comparison if cql['ordered']: ordered = 1 else: # for adj/= ordered = 1 for o in others: self.termIdHash[o.termid] = o.queryTerm if o.fromStore: #re-sort before combining as likely out of order if o[0].numericId is not None: o.order(session, 'numericId') else: o.order(session, 'id') chitem = cmpHash[comparison] if unit == "word": proxtype = 1 elif unit == "element" and distance == 0 and comparison == "=": proxtype = 2 elif unit == "character": # can do this with offsets :) proxtype = 3 else: raise NotImplementedError() hasGetItemList = [hasattr(o, 'get_item') for o in others] cont = 1 while cont: items = [others[0][positions[0]]] rspos = [0] for o in oidxs: if o != -1: if hasGetItemList[o]: nitem = others[o].get_item(items[0]) if not nitem: continue else: try: nitem = others[o][positions[o]] except IndexError: oidxs[o-1] = -1 continue if nitem < items[0]: if all or cql.value == 'not': # skip until equal or greater while True: positions[o] += 1 if positions[o] >= lens[o] or others[o][positions[o]] >= items[0]: break if positions[o] != lens[o]: nitem = others[o][positions[o]] else: items = [nitem] rspos = [o] continue if nitem == items[0]: items.append(nitem) rspos.append(o) for r in rspos: positions[r] += 1 while others and positions[0] > len(others[0])-1: others.pop(0) positions.pop(0) lens.pop(0) if not others or ((cql.value == 'not' or all) and len(others) != nors): cont = 0 if (all and len(items) < nors): continue elif cql.value == 'not' and len(items) != 1: continue elif cql.value in ["prox", 'adj', '=', 'window']: # proxInfo is hash of (docid, recStore) to list of locations in record # sort items by query position. Repeat set at each posn if cql.value != "prox": newItemHash = {} rsiConstructor = self.rsiConstructor for i in items: i.queryTerm = i.resultSet.queryTerm i.queryPositions = i.resultSet.queryPositions newItemHash[i.queryPositions[0]] = i if len(i.queryPositions) > 1: for qpi in i.queryPositions[1:]: # construct new rsi newi = rsiConstructor(session,, recStore=i.recordStore, occs=i.occurences, database=i.database, weight=i.weight, resultSet=i.resultSet) newi.queryPositions =[qpi] newi.queryTerm = i.queryTerm newi.proxInfo = i.proxInfo newItemHash[qpi] = newi ni = newItemHash.items() ni.sort() newitems = [x[1] for x in ni] items = newitems[:] else: #ffs newitems = items[:] litem = items.pop(0) ltermid = litem.resultSet.termid nomatch = 0 while len(items): ritem = items.pop(0) rtermid = ritem.resultSet.termid matchlocs = [] for rpiFull in ritem.proxInfo: rpi = list(rpiFull[-1]) (relem, rwpos) = rpi[:2] for lpiFull in litem.proxInfo: lpi = list(lpiFull[-1]) (lelem, lwpos) = lpi[:2] if lelem == relem: if proxtype == 2: d = lpiFull[:] for r in rpiFull: if d[-1] != r: r.append(rtermid) d.append(r) matchlocs.append(d) else: if proxtype == 3: # character distance try: loff = lpi[2] roff = rpi[2] except IndexError: # no offset in index raise ConfigFileException("Cannot do character proximity without offset information") piDistance = roff - loff else: # word proximity piDistance = rwpos - lwpos if ordered and piDistance < 0: # B is before A pass else: piDistance = abs(piDistance) c = cmp(piDistance, distance) if (c in chitem): # copy as we're in two deep anyOkay = 0 d = lpiFull[:] # Check we're not the same word for r in rpiFull: if cql.value == 'window' and len(d) > 1: wokay = 1 # check that ALL in distance for wd in d: if proxtype == 3: wpiDistance = roff - wd[2] else: wpiDistance = rwpos - wd[1] if ordered and wpiDistance < 0: wokay = 0 break else: wpiDistance = abs(wpiDistance) c = cmp(wpiDistance, distance) if not c in chitem: wokay = 0 break anyOkay = 1 if wokay and d[-1] != r: r.append(rtermid) d.append(r) else: anyOkay = 1 r.append(rtermid) if d[-1] != r: d.append(r) if anyOkay: matchlocs.append(d) if matchlocs: ritem.proxInfo = matchlocs litem = ritem else: # no match, break to next set of items nomatch = 1 break if nomatch: continue for m in matchlocs: m[0].append(ltermid) litem.proxInfo = matchlocs items = [litem] # do stuff on items to reduce to single representative if relevancy: item = fn(items, nors) if item.weight > maxWeight: maxWeight = item.weight if item.weight < minWeight: minWeight = item.weight else: item = items[0] if pi and cql.value != "window": # copy proxInfo around if items[0].resultSet.termid != -1: for pii in items[0].proxInfo: for x in pii: x.append(items[0].resultSet.termid) for o in items[1:]: if o.resultSet.termid != -1: for pii in o.proxInfo: for x in pii: x.append(o.resultSet.termid) item.proxInfo.extend(o.proxInfo) item.resultSet = self tmplist.append(item) self._list = tmplist if relevancy: self.relevancy = 1 self.minWeight = minWeight self.maxWeight = maxWeight return self def order(self, session, spec, ascending=None, missing=None, case=None, accents=None): """Re-order based on the given specification (spec) and arguments. spec can be: index, xpath, workflow, item attribute clause is a CQL clause with sort attributes on the relation sort args: missingHigh (1), missingLow (-1), missingOmit (0) missingValue=(str) ascending=1/0 Not handling yet: case=1/0, accents=1/0 locale=VALUE, unicodeCollate[=VALUE] """ l = self._list if not l: # don't try to sort empty set return if (isinstance(spec, Index) and spec.get_setting(session, 'sortStore')): # check pre-processed db tmplist = [(spec.fetch_sortValue(session, x), x) for x in l] elif isinstance(spec, Index) and spec.get_setting(session, 'vectors'): # This assumes termid is ordered properly # if it isn't write a normalizer, see pyuca normalizer miss = lambda x: x[2][0][0] if x[2] else None tmplist = [(miss(spec.fetch_vector(session, x)), x) for x in l] elif isinstance(spec, Index): # Extract data as per indexing, MUCH slower recs = [] storeHash = {} for r in l: store = r.recordStore o = storeHash.get(store, spec.get_object(session, store)) storeHash[store] = o recs.append(o.fetch_record(session, tmplist = [(spec.extract_data(session, recs[x]), l[x]) for x in range(len(l))] elif isinstance(spec, Workflow): # process a workflow on records tmplist = [] for r in l: rec = r.fetch_record(session) tmplist.append((spec.process(session, rec), r)) elif (isinstance(spec, str) and hasattr(self[0], spec)): # Sort by attribute of item tmplist = [(getattr(x, spec), x) for x in l] if ascending is None: if spec in ['id', 'numericId']: ascending = 1 else: ascending = 0 elif isinstance(spec, str): tmplist = [] for r in l: rec = r.fetch_record(session) tmplist.append((rec.process_xpath(session, spec), r)) else: # Don't know what? raise NotImplementedError if missing: if missing == -1: val = '\x00' elif missing == 1: val ='\xff' else: val = missing fill = lambda x: x if x else val tmplist = [(fill(x[0]), x[1]) for x in tmplist] elif missing == 0: # omit tmplist = [x for x in tmplist if x[0]] if case == 0: tmplist = [(x[0].lower(), x[1]) for x in tmplist] if accents == 0: db = session.server.get_object(session, session.database) n = db.get_object(session, 'DiacriticNormalizer') unaccent = n.process_string tmplist = [(unaccent(session, x[0]), x[1]) for x in tmplist] if ascending == 0: tmplist.sort(reverse=True) else: tmplist.sort() self._list = [x for (key,x) in tmplist] def reverse(self, session): self._list.reverse() def scale_weights(self): minw = self.minWeight if self.maxWeight != minw: r = 1 / (self.maxWeight - minw) else: r = 1 # faster than equivalent list comprehension! for rsi in self._list: rsi.scaledWeight = (rsi.weight - minw) * r
[docs]class SimpleResultSetItem(ResultSetItem): id = 0 numericId = None recordStore = "" database = "" occurences = 0 weight = 0.5 scaledWeight = 0.5 diagnostic = None proxInfo = [] attributesToSerialize = [] def __init__(self, session, id=0, recStore="", occs=0, database="", diagnostic=None, weight=0.5, resultSet = None, numeric=None): self.attributesToSerialize = [('id', 0), ('numericId', None), ('recordStore', ''), ('database', ''), ('occurences', 0), ('weight', 0.5), ('scaledWeight', 0.5)] = id self.recordStore = recStore self.occurences = occs self.weight = weight self.scaledWeight = 0.5 self.database = database self.resultSet = resultSet self.proxInfo = [] self.numericId = numeric def serialize(self, session, pickleOk=1): xml = [u'<item>'] itemattrs = self.attributesToSerialize for (a, deft) in itemattrs: val = getattr(self, a) if val != deft: if type(val) in [dict, list, tuple]: if pickleOk: # use latest version of pickle protocol to deal with new-style classes, unicode etc. # valstr = pickle.dumps(val), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) valstr = pickle.dumps(val) escaped_valstr = ucescape(valstr) xml.append(u'<d n="{0}" t="pickle">{1}</d>'.format(a, escaped_valstr)) else: try: valstr = unicode(val, 'utf-8') except TypeError: valstr = unicode(val) escaped_valstr = escape(valstr) xml.append(u'<d n="{0}" t="{1}">{2}</d>'.format(a, srlz_typehash.get(type(val), ''), escaped_valstr)) val = getattr(self, 'proxInfo') if val: # serialize to XML xml.append(u'<proxInfo>') for hit in val: xml.append(u'<hit>') for w in hit: if len(w) == 4: xml.append(u'<w e="%s" w="%s" o="%s" t="%s"/>' % tuple(w)) elif len(w) == 3: xml.append(u'<w e="%s" w="%s" o="%s"/>' % tuple(w)) else: try: xml.append(u'<w e="%s" w="%s"/>' % tuple(w)) except: # should really error! xml.append(u'<w e="%s" w="%s" o="%s" t="%s"/>' % tuple(w[:4])) xml.append(u'</hit>') xml.append(u'</proxInfo>') xml.append(u'</item>') return u''.join(xml) def fetch_record(self, session): # return record from store if (session.server): # db = session.server.get_object(session, self.database) db = session.server.get_object(session, session.database) recStore = db.get_object(session, self.recordStore) rec = recStore.fetch_record(session, rec.resultSetItem = self return rec def __eq__(self, other): try: return == and self.recordStore == other.recordStore except: # not comparing two RSIs return False def __str__(self): return "%s/%s" % (self.recordStore, def __repr__(self): return "Ptr:%s/%s" % (self.recordStore, def __cmp__(self, other): # default sort by docid if self.numericId is not None: if other.numericId is not None: oid = other.numericId else: oid = c = cmp(self.numericId, oid) else: c = cmp(, if not c: return cmp(self.recordStore, other.recordStore) else: return c def __hash__(self): # Hash of recordstore + id return hash(str(self))
class BitmapResultSet(ResultSet): bitfield = None currItems = None recordStore = None fromStore = 0 relevancy = 0 termid = -1 totalOccs = 0 totalRecs = 0 id = "" index = None queryTerm = "" queryFreq = 0 queryPositions = [] relevancy = 0 maxWeight = 0 minWeight = 0 def __init__(self, session, data=0, recordStore=None): if isinstance(data, SimpleBitfield): self.bitfield = data else: self.bitfield = SimpleBitfield(data) self.currItems = None self.recordStore = recordStore self.relevancy = 0 def __getitem__(self, k): if self.currItems is None: self.currItems = self.bitfield.trueItems() return SimpleResultSetItem(None, self.currItems[k], self.recordStore, 1) def __len__(self): return self.bitfield.lenTrueItems() def serialise(self, session): return self.serialize(session) def serialize(self, session): return str(self.bitfield) def deserialise(self, data): return self.deserialize(data) def deserialize(self, data): self.bitfield = SimpleBitfield(data) def get_item(self, item): try: if self.bitfield[]: return item except IndexError: pass return None def combine(self, session, others, clause, db=None): if (isinstance(clause, cqlParser.Triple)): cql = clause.boolean else: cql = clause.relation v = cql.value # Check if all are bitmaps if v in ['=', 'exact', 'prox']: if len(others) == 1: return others[0] else: raise NotImplementedError() allbits = 1 for o in others: if not hasattr(o, 'bitfield'): allbits = 0 break if allbits: if (v in ['all', 'and']): s = others[0].bitfield for o in others[1:]: s.intersection(o.bitfield) elif (v in ['any', 'or', '>', '>=', '<', '<=']): s = others[0].bitfield for o in others[1:]: s.union(o.bitfield) elif (v == 'not'): s = others[0].bitfield for o in others[1:]: s.difference(o.bitfield) else: raise NotImplementedError() self.bitfield = s else: # XXX Merging Bitmap with non bitmap pass return self def order(self, spec): # Reorder a bitmap?! raise NotImplementedError() def retrieve(self, numReq, start, cache=0): end = min(start+numrecs+1, len(self)) recs = [] # XXX This should cache server, db and resultSet for r in range(start, end): recs.append(self[r].fetch_record(session)) return recs