Cheshire3 Tutorials - Command-line UI

Cheshire3 provides a number of command-line utilities to enable you to get started creating databases, indexing and searching your data quickly. All of these commands have full help available, including lists of available options which can be accessed using the --help option. e.g.

``cheshire3 --help``

Creating a new Database

cheshire3-init [database-directory]
Initialize a database with some generic configurations in the given directory, or current directory if absent

Example 1: create database in a new sub-directory

$ cheshire3-init mydb

Example 2: create database in an existing directory

$ mkdir -p ~/dbs/mydb
$ cheshire3-init ~/dbs/mydb

Example 3: create database in current working directory

$ mkdir -p ~/dbs/mydb
$ cd ~/dbs/mydb
$ cheshire3-init

Example 4: create database with descriptive information in a new sub-directory

$ cheshire3-init --database=mydb --title="My Database" \
--description="A Database of Documents" mydb

Loading Data into the Database

cheshire3-load data
Load data into the current Cheshire3 database

Example 1: load data from a file:

$ cheshire3-load path/to/file.xml

Example 2: load data from a directory:

$ cheshire3-load path/to/directory

Example 3: load data from a URL:

$ cheshire3-load

Searching the Database

cheshire3-search query
Search the current Cheshire3 database based on the parameters given in query

Example 1: search with a single keyword

$ cheshire3-search food

Example 2: search with a complex CQL query

$ cheshire3-search "cql.anywhere all/relevant food and \
rec.creationDate > 2012-01-01"

Exposing the Database via SRU

Start a demo HTTP WSGI application server to serve configured databases via SRU

Please Note the HTTP server started is probably not sufficiently robust for production use. You should consider using something like mod_wsgi.

Example 1: start a demo HTTP WSGI server with default options

$ cheshire3-serve

Example 2: start a demo HTTP WSGI server, specifying host name and port number

$ cheshire3-serve --host --port 8080