Source code for cheshire3.index

"""Cheshire3 Index Implementations."""

import os
import re
import math
import struct
import codecs
import gzip

    import cStringIO as StringIO
except ImportError:
    import StringIO

from lxml import etree

import cheshire3.cqlParser as cql

from cheshire3.baseObjects import Index, Session
from cheshire3.utils import elementType, flattenTexts, vectorSimilarity,\
from cheshire3.exceptions import ConfigFileException, QueryException, \
                                 C3ObjectTypeError, PermissionException
from cheshire3.internal import CONFIG_NS
from cheshire3.resultSet import SimpleResultSet, SimpleResultSetItem,\
from cheshire3.workflow import CachingWorkflow
from cheshire3.xpathProcessor import SimpleXPathProcessor

class IndexIter(object):
    """Object to facilitate iterating over an Index."""

    index = None
    session = None

    def __init__(self, index):
        self.index = index
        self.indexStore = index.indexStore
        self.session = Session()
        self.summary = 0
        # populate with first term
        self.nextData = self.indexStore.fetch_termList(self.session,
                                                       "", 1)[0]

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def next(self):
        """Return the next item from the iterator."""
            d = self.nextData
            if not d:
                raise StopIteration()
            if d[-1] == 'last':
                self.nextData = ""
                    nd = self.indexStore.fetch_termList(self.session,
                                                        d[0], 2)[1]
                except IndexError:
                    self.nextData = ""
                    self.nextData = nd

            return self.index.construct_resultSet(self.session, d[1],
                                                  queryHash={'text': d[0],
                                                             'occurences': 1,
                                                             'positions': []})
            # Fail safely
            raise StopIteration()

    def jump(self, position):
        """Jump to a position in the sequence."""
        self.nextData = self.indexStore.fetch_termList(self.session,
                                                       position, 1)[0]
        return self.index.construct_resultSet(self.session,
                                                  'text': self.nextData[0],
                                                  'occurences': 1,
                                                  'positions': []

[docs]class SimpleIndex(Index): sources = {} xPathAllAbsolute = 1 xPathAttributesRequired = [] xPathsNormalized = {} currentFullPath = [] currentPath = [] storeOrig = 0 canExtractSection = 1 indexingTerm = "" indexingData = [] _possiblePaths = { 'indexStore': { "docs": "IndexStore identifier for where this index is stored" }, 'termIdIndex': { "docs": ("Alternative index object to use for termId for terms " "in this index.") }, 'tempPath': { "docs": ("Path to a directory where temporary files will be " "stored during batch mode indexing") } } _possibleSettings = { 'lr_constant0': { "docs": ("Value for 1st constant in logistic regression relevance" "assignments. default: -3.7"), 'type': float }, 'lr_constant1': { "docs": ("Value for 2nd constant in logistic regression relevance" "assignments. default: 1.269"), 'type': float }, 'lr_constant2': { "docs": ("Value for 3rd constant in logistic regression relevance" "assignments. default: -0.31"), 'type': float }, 'lr_constant3': { "docs": ("Value for 4th constant in logistic regression relevance" "assignments. default: 0.679"), 'type': float }, 'lr_constant4': { "docs": ("Value for 5th constant in logistic regression relevance" "assignments. default: -0.021"), 'type': float }, 'lr_constant5': { "docs": ("Value for 6th constant in logistic regression relevance" "assignments. default: 0.223"), 'type': float }, 'lr_constant6': { "docs": ("Value for 7th constant in logistic regression relevance" "assignments. default: 4.01"), 'type': float }, 'okapi_constant_b': { "docs": ("Constant to use for tuning parameter 'b' in the " "OKAPI BM-25 algorithm. 0 <= b <= 1 determines effect " "of document length on term weight scaling. " "0 -> no effect, 1 -> full scaling."), 'type': float }, 'okapi_constant_k1': { "docs": "", 'type': float }, 'okapi_constant_k3': { "docs": "", 'type': float }, 'noIndexDefault': { "docs": ("If true, the index should not be called from " "db.index_record()"), "type": int, "options": "0|1" }, 'noUnindexDefault': { "docs": ("If true, the index should not be called from " "db.unindex_record()"), "type": int, "options": "0|1" }, 'sortStore': { "docs": "Should the index build a store to support sorting", 'type': int, 'options': '0|1' }, 'termIds': { "docs": "Should the index store termId -> term", 'type': int, 'options': '0|1' }, 'vectors': { "docs": "Should the index store vectors (doc -> list of termIds.", 'type': int, 'options': '0|1' }, 'proxVectors': { "docs": ("Should the index store vectors that also maintain " "proximity for their terms"), 'type': int, 'options': '0|1' }, 'minimumSupport': { "docs": ("Minimum number of records in which the term must appear " "for it to be indexed at all"), 'type': int }, 'vectorMinGlobalFreq': { "docs": "Minimum global records for term to appear in a vector", 'type': int }, 'vectorMaxGlobalFreq': { "docs": "Maximum global records for term to appear in a vector", 'type': int }, 'vectorMinGlobalOccs': { "docs": "Minimum global occurences", 'type': int }, 'vectorMaxGlobalOccs': { "docs": "Maximum global occurences", 'type': int }, 'vectorMinLocalFreq': { "docs": "Minimum records in selected", 'type': int }, 'vectorMaxLocalFreq': { "docs": "Maximum records in selected", 'type': int }, 'freqList': { 'docs': ("Store a frequency sorted list to step through " "of records, occurrences or both"), 'options': 'rec|occ|rec occ|occ rec' }, 'longSize': { "docs": ("Size of a long integer in this index's underlying data " "structure (eg to migrate between 32 and 64 bit " "platforms)"), 'type': int }, 'recordStoreSizes': { "docs": ("Should we use recordStore sizes instead of database " "sizes"), 'type': int }, 'maxVectorCacheSize': { 'docs': "Number of terms to cache when building vectors", 'type': int }, 'bucketType': { 'docs': ("Type of 'bucket' to use when splitting an index over " "multiple files."), 'options': 'term1|term2|hash' }, 'maxBuckets': { 'docs': "Maximum number of 'buckets' to split an index into", 'type': int }, 'maxItemsPerBucket': { 'docs': "Maximum number of items to put into each 'bucket'", 'type': int }, } def _handleConfigNode(self, session, node): # Source if (node.localName == "source"): modes = node.getAttributeNS(None, 'mode') if not modes: modes = [u'data'] else: modes = modes.split('|') process = None preprocess = None xp = None for child in node.childNodes: if child.nodeType == elementType: if child.localName in ["xpath", "selector"]: if xp is None: ref = child.getAttributeNS(None, 'ref') if ref: xp = self.get_object(session, ref) else: xp = SimpleXPathProcessor(session, node, self) xp._handleConfigNode(session, node) elif child.localName == "preprocess": # turn preprocess chain to workflow ref = child.getAttributeNS(None, 'ref') if ref: preprocess = self.get_object(session, ref) else: child.localName = 'workflow' preprocess = CachingWorkflow(session, child, self) preprocess._handleConfigNode(session, child) elif child.localName == "process": # turn xpath chain to workflow ref = child.getAttributeNS(None, 'ref') if ref: process = self.get_object(session, ref) else: try: child.localName = 'workflow' except: # 4suite dom sets read only # Shortcut to method for shorter lines! cefn = child.ownerDocument.createElementNS newTop = cefn(None, 'workflow') for kid in child.childNodes: newTop.appendChild(kid) child = newTop process = CachingWorkflow(session, child, self) process._handleConfigNode(session, child) for m in modes: mysrc = self.sources.setdefault(m, []) mysrc.append((xp, process, preprocess)) def _handleLxmlConfigNode(self, session, node): # Source if node.tag in ["source", '{%s}source' % CONFIG_NS]: modes = node.attrib.get('{%s}mode' % CONFIG_NS, node.attrib.get('mode', 'data')) modes = modes.split('|') process = None preprocess = None xp = None for child in node.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element): if child.tag in ['xpath', '{%s}xpath' % CONFIG_NS, 'selector', '{%s}selector' % CONFIG_NS]: if xp is None: ref = child.attrib.get('{%s}ref' % CONFIG_NS, child.attrib.get('ref', '')) if ref: xp = self.get_object(session, ref) else: node.set('id', + '-xpath') xp = SimpleXPathProcessor(session, node, self) xp._handleLxmlConfigNode(session, node) elif child.tag in ['preprocess', '{%s}preprocess' % CONFIG_NS]: # turn preprocess chain to workflow ref = child.attrib.get('{%s}ref' % CONFIG_NS, child.attrib.get('ref', '')) if ref: preprocess = self.get_object(session, ref) else: # create new element e = etree.XML(etree.tostring(child)) e.tag = 'workflow' e.set('id', + "-preworkflow") preprocess = CachingWorkflow(session, child, self) preprocess._handleLxmlConfigNode(session, child) elif child.tag in ['process', '{%s}process' % CONFIG_NS]: # turn xpath chain to workflow ref = child.attrib.get('{%s}ref' % CONFIG_NS, child.attrib.get('ref', '')) if ref: process = self.get_object(session, ref) else: # create new element e = etree.XML(etree.tostring(child)) e.tag = 'workflow' e.set('id', + "-workflow") process = CachingWorkflow(session, e, self) process._handleLxmlConfigNode(session, e) for m in modes: mysrc = self.sources.setdefault(m, []) mysrc.append((xp, process, preprocess)) def __init__(self, session, config, parent): self.sources = {} self.xPathAttributesRequired = [] self.xPathsNormalized = {} self.xPathAllAbsolute = 1 self.indexingTerm = "" self.indexingData = [] self.maskList = ['*', '?', '^'] self.caretRe = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)\^') self.qmarkRe = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)\?') self.astxRe = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)\*') Index.__init__(self, session, config, parent) lss = self.get_setting(session, 'longSize') if lss: self.longStructSize = int(lss) else: #self.longStructSize = len(struct.pack('L', 1)) self.longStructSize = struct.calcsize('l') self.recordStoreSizes = self.get_setting(session, 'recordStoreSizes', 0) # We need a Store object iStore = self.get_path(session, 'indexStore', None) self.indexStore = iStore if (iStore is None): raise ConfigFileException("Index (%s) does not have an " "indexStore." % ( else: iStore.create_index(session, self) self.resultSetClass = SimpleResultSet self.recordStore = "" def __iter__(self): return IndexIter(self) def _locate_firstMask(self, term, start=0): try: return min([term.index(x, start) for x in self.maskList]) except ValueError: # one or more are not found (i.e. == -1) firstMaskList = [term.find(x, start) for x in self.maskList] firstMaskList.sort() firstMask = firstMaskList.pop(0) while len(firstMaskList) and firstMask < 0: firstMask = firstMaskList.pop(0) return firstMask def _regexify_wildcards(self, term): # Escape existing special regex chars term = term.replace('.', r'\.') term = term[0] + self.caretRe.sub(r'\^', term[1:-1]) + term[-1] term = self.qmarkRe.sub('.', term) term = self.astxRe.sub('.*', term) if (term[-1] == '^') and (term[-2] != '\\'): term = term[:-1] return term + '$' def _processRecord(self, session, record, source): (xpath, process, preprocess) = source if preprocess: record = preprocess.process(session, record) if xpath: try: rawlist = xpath.process_record(session, record) except C3ObjectTypeError: rawlist = [[]] processed = process.process(session, rawlist) else: processed = process.process(session, record) return processed def extract_data(self, session, rec): processed = self._processRecord(session, rec, self.sources[u'data'][0]) if processed: keys = processed.keys() keys.sort() return keys[0] else: return None def index_record(self, session, rec): p = self.permissionHandlers.get('info:srw/operation/2/index', None) if p: if not session.user: raise PermissionException("Authenticated user required to add " "to index %s" % okay = p.hasPermission(session, session.user) if not okay: raise PermissionException("Permission required to add to " "index %s" % if 'sort' in self.sources: sortHash = self._processRecord(session, rec, self.sources[u'sort'][0]) if sortHash: sortVal = sortHash.keys()[0] else: sortVal = '' else: sortVal = '' for src in self.sources[u'data']: processed = self._processRecord(session, rec, src) if sortVal: # Don't blank sortVal, or will be overwritten # in subsequent iterations k = processed.keys()[0] processed[k]['sortValue'] = sortVal self.indexStore.store_terms(session, self, processed, rec) return rec def delete_record(self, session, rec): # Extract terms, and remove from store p = self.permissionHandlers.get('info:srw/operation/2/unindex', None) if p: if not session.user: raise PermissionException("Authenticated user required to " "remove from index %s" % okay = p.hasPermission(session, session.user) if not okay: raise PermissionException("Permission required to remove from " "index %s" % istore = self.get_path(session, 'indexStore') if self.get_setting(session, 'vectors', 0): # use vectors to unindex instead of reprocessing # faster, only way for 'now' metadata. vec = self.fetch_vector(session, rec) # [totalUniqueTerms, totalFreq, [(tid, freq)+]] processed = {} for (t, f) in vec[2]: term = self.fetch_termById(session, t) processed[term] = {'occurences': f} if istore is not None: istore.delete_terms(session, self, processed, rec) else: for src in self.sources[u'data']: processed = self._processRecord(session, rec, src) if (istore is not None): istore.delete_terms(session, self, processed, rec) def begin_indexing(self, session): # Find all indexStores p = self.permissionHandlers.get('info:srw/operation/2/index', None) if p: if not session.user: raise PermissionException("Authenticated user required to add " "to index %s" % okay = p.hasPermission(session, session.user) if not okay: raise PermissionException("Permission required to add to " "index %s" % stores = [] istore = self.get_path(session, 'indexStore') if (istore is not None and not istore in stores): stores.append(istore) for s in stores: s.begin_indexing(session, self) def commit_indexing(self, session): p = self.permissionHandlers.get('info:srw/operation/2/index', None) if p: if not session.user: raise PermissionException("Authenticated user required to add " "to index %s" % okay = p.hasPermission(session, session.user) if not okay: raise PermissionException("Permission required to add to " "index %s" % stores = [] istore = self.get_path(session, 'indexStore') if (istore is not None and not istore in stores): stores.append(istore) for s in stores: s.commit_indexing(session, self) def commit_parallelIndexing(self, session): istore = self.get_path(session, 'indexStore') istore.commit_parallelIndexing(session, self) def search(self, session, clause, db): # Final destination. Process Term. p = self.permissionHandlers.get('info:srw/operation/2/search', None) if p: if not session.user: raise PermissionException("Authenticated user required to " "search index %s" % okay = p.hasPermission(session, session.user) if not okay: raise PermissionException("Permission required to search " "index %s" % res = {} # src = (xp, processwf, preprocesswf) # Try to get process for relation/modifier, failing that relation, # fall back to that used for data for src in self.sources.get(clause.relation.toCQL(), self.sources.get(clause.relation.value, self.sources[u'data'])): res.update(src[1].process(session, [[clause.term.value]])) store = self.get_path(session, 'indexStore') matches = [] rel = clause.relation if (rel.prefix == 'cql' or rel.prefixURI == 'info:srw/cql-context-set/1/cql-v1.1'): if (rel.value == 'scr'): pm = db.get_path(session, 'protocolMap') try: rel.value = pm.defaultRelation except AttributeError: pass # While we're looking at the query, check if we should do blind # relevance feedback on this clause feedback = 0 for m in rel.modifiers: m.type.parent = clause m.type.resolvePrefix() if (m.type.prefixURI.startswith( 'info:srw/cql-context-set/2/relevance')): if m.type.value == "feedback": try: feedback = int(m.value) except ValueError: feedback = 1 construct_resultSet = self.construct_resultSet if (rel.value in ['any', 'all', '=', 'exact', 'window'] and (rel.prefix == 'cql' or rel.prefixURI == 'info:srw/cql-context-set/1/cql-v1.1' )): for k, qHash in res.iteritems(): if k[0] == '^': k = k[1:] firstMask = self._locate_firstMask(k) while (firstMask > 0) and (k[firstMask - 1] == '\\'): firstMask = self._locate_firstMask(k, firstMask + 1) # TODO: slow regex e.g. if first char is * if (firstMask > -1): startK = k[:firstMask] try: nextK = startK[:-1] + unichr(ord(startK[-1]) + 1) except IndexError: # Left truncation, all terms from the index # TODO: we should check if there's a inversion of # index keys termList = store.fetch_termList(session, self, startK, 0, '>=') else: termList = store.fetch_termList(session, self, startK, 0, '>=', end=nextK) if len(k) > 1: # Filter terms by regex # FIXME: need to do something cleverer than this if # first character is masked. This implementation will # be incredibly slow for these cases... if ((firstMask < len(k) - 1) or (k[firstMask] in ['?', '^'])): # not simply right hand truncation kRe = re.compile(self._regexify_wildcards(k)) mymatch = kRe.match termList = filter(lambda t: mymatch(t[0]), termList) maskBase = self.resultSetClass( session, [], recordStore=self.recordStore) maskClause = cql.parse(clause.toCQL()) maskClause.relation.value = u'any' if (clause.relation.value == u'='): # tell combine to keep proxInfo pass try: maskResultSets = [ construct_resultSet(session, t[1], qHash) for t in termList ] maskBase = maskBase.combine(session, maskResultSets, maskClause, db) maskBase.queryTerm = qHash['text'] try: maskBase.queryPositions = qHash['positions'] except KeyError: pass except: pass else: matches.append(maskBase) else: term = store.fetch_term(session, self, k) s = construct_resultSet(session, term, qHash) matches.append(s) elif (clause.relation.value in ['>=', '>', '<', '<=']): if (len(res) != 1): raise QueryException("%s %s" % (clause.relation.toCQL(), clause.term.value), 24) else: termList = store.fetch_termList(session, self, res.keys()[0], 0, clause.relation.value) for t in termList: matches.append(construct_resultSet(session, t[1])) elif (clause.relation.value == "within"): if (len(res) != 2): raise QueryException('%s "%s"' % (clause.relation.toCQL(), clause.term.value), 24) else: termList = store.fetch_termList(session, self, res.keys()[0], end=res.keys()[1]) matches.extend([construct_resultSet(session, t[1]) for t in termList]) else: raise QueryException('%s "%s"' % (clause.relation.toCQL(), clause.term.value), 24) base = self.resultSetClass(session, [], recordStore=self.recordStore) base.recordStoreSizes = self.recordStoreSizes base.index = self if not matches: return base else: if (clause.relation.value == "=" and not isinstance(self, ProximityIndex)): # Can't do proximity, treat as a search for 'all' clause.relation.value = "all" rs = base.combine(session, matches, clause, db) if len(rs) and feedback: rs = self._blindFeedback(session, rs, clause, db) return rs def scan(self, session, clause, nTerms, direction=">=", summary=1): # Process term. p = self.permissionHandlers.get('info:srw/operation/2/scan', None) if p: if not session.user: raise PermissionException("Authenticated user required to " "scan index %s" % okay = p.hasPermission(session, session.user) if not okay: raise PermissionException("Permission required to scan index " "%s" % res = {} for src in self.sources.get(clause.relation.toCQL(), self.sources.get(clause.relation.value, self.sources[u'data'])): res.update(src[1].process(session, [[clause.term.value]])) if len(res) == 0: # No term, so start at the beginning res = {'': ''} elif (len(res) != 1): raise QueryException("%s" % (clause.term.value), 24) store = self.get_path(session, 'indexStore') if direction == "=": k = res.keys()[0] if not k: k2 = "!" else: k2 = k[:-1] + unichr(ord(k[-1]) + 1) tList = store.fetch_termList(session, self, k, nTerms=nTerms, end=k2, summary=summary, relation='>=') else: tList = store.fetch_termList(session, self, res.keys()[0], nTerms=nTerms, relation=direction, summary=summary) # List of (term, occs) return tList def facets(self, session, resultSet, nTerms=0): """Return a list of term facets for the resultSet. Return a list of (term, termdata) tuples from this index which occur within the records in resultSet. Terms are returned in descending frequency (number of records) order. """ termFreqs = {} recordFreqs = {} for r in resultSet: # Use vectors to identify terms vec = self.fetch_vector(session, r) if vec[2]: # store / increment freq for t in vec[2]: try: termFreqs[t[0]] += t[1] recordFreqs[t[0]] += 1 except: termFreqs[t[0]] = t[1] recordFreqs[t[0]] = 1 # Sort list by descending frequency (decorate-sort-undecorate) # Use 1 / freq - keeps terms with same freq in alpha order sortList = [(1.0 / v, k) for k, v in recordFreqs.iteritems()] sortList.sort() tids = [x[1] for x in sortList] if nTerms: tids = tids[:min(len(tids), nTerms)] terms = [] for termId in tids: term = self.fetch_termById(session, termId) # (term, (termId, nRecs, freq)) terms.append((term.decode('utf-8'), (termId, recordFreqs[termId], termFreqs[termId]))) return terms def searchByExamples(self, session, examples, clause, db, nTerms=20): """Return a ResultSet of items 'similar' to the given examples. Identify most common terms in examples, create a new resultSet of results that contains any of these terms. examples := iterable of example objects (e.g. ResultSet, list of Records) to be used to search the index (i.e. by identifying common terms) clause := CQL clause (if examples is a resultSet this would the query used to generate it) nTerms := No. of most common (no. of records) terms to use to create new resultSet """ base = self.resultSetClass(session, [], recordStore=self.recordStore) base.recordStoreSizes = self.recordStoreSizes base.index = self try: terms = [t[0] for t in self.facets(session, examples, nTerms)] except: raise ConfigFileException("Index {} does not support " "searchByExample; requires vector " "setting.".format(self)) # Construct a CQL clause for combining the resultSets from the # discovered terms # Use modifiers from main clause so that we get scores from the same # relevance algorithm combined in the same way exClause = cql.SearchClause(clause.index, cql.Relation("any", clause.relation.modifiers), cql.Term(" ".join(terms))) construct_rs = self.construct_resultSet store = self.indexStore matches = [construct_rs(session, store.fetch_term(session, self, t), {'text': t, 'proxLoc': [-1], 'occurences': 1}) for t in terms] self.log_debug(session, "searchByExamples ResultSets constructed") rs = base.combine(session, matches, exClause, db) self.log_debug(session, "searchByExamples ResultSets combined") return rs def _blindFeedback(self, session, rs, clause, db, nRecs=0, nTerms=20): """Expand ResultSet using blind/pseudo relevance feedback. Carry out blind/pseudo relevance feedback on the resultSet, merge and return. rs := resultSet clause := CQL clause that generated rs nRecs := No. of top results to extract terms from nTerms := No. of top terms to use to expand query """ if not rs.relevancy: raise TypeError("Unable to carry out blind relevance feedback on " "a resultSet with no relevance information") if not nRecs: nRecs = max(int(math.sqrt(len(rs))), 5) self.log_debug(session, "Feedback requested; top {0} Terms from top {1} of " "{2} Records".format(nTerms, nRecs, len(rs))) # Need to sort before slicing to get the 'good' results # Use the built-in sorted() to create a sorted iterable slice of top # results without changing original (otherwise combining with new # results will end up with duplicates) try: fbrs = self.searchByExamples( session, sorted(rs, key=lambda x: x.weight)[:nRecs], clause, db, nTerms) except ConfigFileException as e: self.log_warning(session, "Unable to complete blind relevance feedback " "loop: " + e.reason) return rs # Both resultSets now have scores assigned, so need to combine them # using a boolean fooQ = cql.parse(">rel=info:srw/cql-context-set/2/relevance-1.1 {0}" " or/rel.combine=sum {1}".format(clause.toCQL(), fbrs.query.toCQL())) base = self.resultSetClass(session, [], recordStore=self.recordStore) base.recordStoreSizes = self.recordStoreSizes base.index = self return base.combine(session, [rs, fbrs], fooQ, db) def similarity(self, session, record1, record2): """Calculate and return cosine similarity of records. Calculate and return cosine similarity of vector representations of the two record arguments. >>> self.similarity(session, rec, rec) 1.0 """ if self.get_setting(session, 'vectors', 0): # We can fetch stored vectors vector1 = self.fetch_vector(session, record1) vector2 = self.fetch_vector(session, record2) else: # We could regenerate on the fly... raise NotImplementedError # ...but not yet return vectorSimilarity(dict(vector1[2]), dict(vector2[2])) # Internal API for stores def serialize_term(self, session, termId, data, nRecs=0, nOccs=0): """Return a string serialization representing the term. Return a string serialization representing the term for storage purposes. Used as a callback from IndexStore to serialize a list of terms and document references to be stored. termId := numeric ID of term being serialized data := list of longs nRecs := number of Records containing the term, if known nOccs := total occurrences of the term, if known """ # in: list of longs if not nRecs: nRecs = len(data) / 3 if not nOccs: nOccs = sum(data[2::3]) fmt = 'lll' * (nRecs + 1) params = [fmt, termId, nRecs, nOccs] + data try: return struct.pack(*params) except: self.log_critical(session, 'Error while serializing index term.\n' 'HINT: are you trying to put proximity ' 'information into a SimpleIndex?\n') raise def deserialize_term(self, session, data, nRecs=-1, prox=1): """Deserialize and return the internal representation of a term. Return the internal representation of a term as recreated from a string serialization from storage. Used as a callback from IndexStore to take serialized data and produce list of terms and document references. data := string (usually retrieved from indexStore) nRecs := number of Records to deserialize (all by default) prox := boolean flag to include proximity information """ if nRecs == -1: fmt = 'lll' * (len(data) / (3 * self.longStructSize)) return struct.unpack(fmt, data) else: fmt = "lll" * (nRecs + 1) endpoint = (nRecs + 1) * 3 * self.longStructSize return struct.unpack(fmt, data[:endpoint]) def calc_sectionOffsets(self, session, start, nRecs, dataLen=0): #tid, recs, occs, (store, rec, freq)+ a = (self.longStructSize * 3) + (self.longStructSize * start * 3) b = (self.longStructSize * 3 * nRecs) return [(a, b)] def merge_term(self, session, currentData, newData, op="replace", nRecs=0, nOccs=0): """Merge newData into currentData and return the result. Merging takes the currentData and can add, replace or delete the data found in newData, and then returns the result. Used as a callback from IndexStore to take two sets of terms and merge them together. currentData := output of deserialize_terms newData := flat list op := replace | add | delete nRecs := total records in newData nOccs := total occurrences in newdata """ (termid, oldTotalRecs, oldTotalOccs) = currentData[0:3] currentData = list(currentData[3:]) if op == 'add': currentData.extend(newData) if nRecs: trecs = oldTotalRecs + nRecs toccs = oldTotalOccs + nOccs else: trecs = oldTotalRecs + len(newData) / 3 toccs = oldTotalOccs + sum(newData[2::3]) elif op == 'replace': for n in range(0, len(newData), 3): docid = newData[n] storeid = newData[n + 1] replaced = 0 for x in range(3, len(currentData), 3): if (currentData[x] == docid and currentData[x + 1] == storeid): currentData[x + 2] = newData[n + 2] replaced = 1 break if not replaced: currentData.extend([docid, storeid, newData[n + 2]]) trecs = len(currentData) / 3 toccs = sum(currentData[2::3]) elif op == 'delete': for n in range(0, len(newData), 3): docid = newData[n] storeid = newData[n + 1] for x in range(0, len(currentData), 3): if (currentData[x] == docid and currentData[x + 1] == storeid): del currentData[x:(x + 3)] break trecs = len(currentData) / 3 toccs = sum(currentData[2::3]) merged = [termid, trecs, toccs] + currentData return merged def construct_resultSet(self, session, terms, queryHash={}): """Create and return a ResultSet. Take a list of the internal representation of terms, as stored in this Index, create and return an appropriate ResultSet object. """ # in: unpacked # out: resultSet l = len(terms) ci = self.indexStore.construct_resultSetItem s = self.resultSetClass(session, []) # rsilist = [] # for t in range(3,len(terms),3): # item = ci(session, terms[t], terms[t+1], terms[t+2]) # item.resultSet = s # rsilist.append(item) # # s.fromList(rsilist) # Filter out duplicates rsis = {} for t in range(3, len(terms), 3): if terms[t] not in rsis: item = ci(session, terms[t], terms[t + 1], terms[t + 2]) item.resultSet = s rsis[] = (t, item) # Keep them in order s.fromList([r[1] for r in sorted(rsis.values())]) s.index = self if queryHash: s.queryTerm = queryHash['text'] s.queryFreq = queryHash['occurences'] if (terms): s.termid = terms[0] s.totalRecs = terms[1] s.totalOccs = terms[2] else: s.totalRecs = 0 s.totalOccs = 0 return s # pass-throughs to indexStore def construct_resultSetItem(self, session, term, rsiType="SimpleResultSetItem"): return self.indexStore.construct_resultSetItem(session, term[0], term[1], term[2], rsiType) def clear(self, session): self.indexStore.clear_index(session, self) def store_terms(self, session, data, rec): self.indexStore.store_terms(session, self, data, rec) def fetch_term(self, session, term, summary=False, prox=True): return self.indexStore.fetch_term(session, self, term, summary, prox) def fetch_termList(self, session, term, nTerms=0, relation="", end="", summary=0): return self.indexStore.fetch_termList(session, self, term, nTerms, relation, end, summary) def fetch_termById(self, session, termId): return self.indexStore.fetch_termById(session, self, termId) def fetch_vector(self, session, rec, summary=False): return self.indexStore.fetch_vector(session, self, rec, summary) def fetch_proxVector(self, session, rec, elemId=-1): return self.indexStore.fetch_proxVector(session, self, rec, elemId) def fetch_summary(self, session): return self.indexStore.fetch_summary(session, self) def fetch_termFrequencies(self, session, mType='occ', start=0, nTerms=100, direction=">"): return self.indexStore.fetch_termFrequencies(session, self, mType, start, nTerms, direction) def fetch_metadata(self, session): return self.indexStore.fetch_indexMetadata(session, self) def fetch_sortValue(self, session, rec): return self.indexStore.fetch_sortValue(session, self, rec) def merge_tempFiles(self, session): return self.indexStore.merge_tempFiles(session, self) def commit_centralIndexing(self, session, filename=""): return self.indexStore.commit_centralIndexing(session, self, filename)
class SingleRecordStoreIndex(SimpleIndex): """Index implementation that assumes there is only 1 RecordStore. For single RecordStore cases this makes the index smaller and hence faster. Also enables compatibility with basic (non-proximity) Cheshire 2 index files. """ def serialize_term(self, session, termId, data, nRecs=0, nOccs=0): """Return a string serialization representing the term. Return a string serialization representing the term for storage purposes. Used as a callback from IndexStore to serialize a list of terms and document references to be stored. termId := numeric ID of term being serialized data := list of longs nRecs := number of Records containing the term, if known nOccs := total occurrences of the term, if known """ # in: list of longs if not nRecs: nRecs = len(data) / 3 if not nOccs: nOccs = sum(data[2::3]) # strip out RecordStore pointer del data[1::3] fmt = 'lll' + ('ll' * nRecs) params = [fmt, termId, nRecs, nOccs] + data try: return struct.pack(*params) except: self.log_critical(session, 'Error while serializing index term.\n' 'HINT: are you trying to put proximity ' 'information into a SimpleIndex?\n') raise def deserialize_term(self, session, data, nRecs=-1, prox=1): """Deserialize and return the internal representation of a term. Return the internal representation of a term as recreated from a string serialization from storage. Used as a callback from IndexStore to take serialized data and produce list of terms and document references. data := string (usually retrieved from indexStore) nRecs := number of Records to deserialize (all by default) prox := boolean flag to include proximity information """ lss = self.longStructSize if nRecs == -1: fmt = 'l' * (len(data) / lss) out = list(struct.unpack(fmt, data)) else: fmt = "lll" + "ll" * nRecs endpoint = (3 * lss) + (nRecs * 2 * lss) out = list(struct.unpack(fmt, data[:endpoint])) # Insert assumed RecordStore pointers for x in range(4, 3 + (3 * (len(out[3:]) / 2)), 3): out.insert(x, 0) return out def calc_sectionOffsets(self, session, start, nRecs, dataLen=0): # tid, recs, occs, (rec, freq)+ a = (self.longStructSize * 3) + (self.longStructSize * start * 2) b = (self.longStructSize * 2 * nRecs) return [(a, b)]
[docs]class ProximityIndex(SimpleIndex): """Index that can store term locations to enable proximity search. An Index that can store element, word and character offset location information for term entries, enabling phrase, adjacency searches etc. Need to use an Extractor with prox setting and a ProximityTokenMerger """ canExtractSection = 0 _possibleSettings = { 'nProxInts': { 'docs': ("Number of integers per occurence in this index for " "proximity information, typically 2 " "(elementId, wordPosition) or " "3 (elementId, wordPosition, byteOffset)"), 'type': int } } def __init__(self, session, config, parent): SimpleIndex.__init__(self, session, config, parent) self.nProxInts = self.get_setting(session, 'nProxInts', 2) def serialize_term(self, session, termId, data, nRecs=0, nOccs=0): # in: list of longs fmt = 'l' * (len(data) + 3) params = [fmt, termId, nRecs, nOccs] + data try: val = struct.pack(*params) except: self.log_critical(session, "%s failed to pack: %r" % (, params)) raise return val def deserialize_term(self, session, data, nRecs=-1, prox=1): fmt = 'l' * (len(data) / self.longStructSize) flat = struct.unpack(fmt, data) (termid, totalRecs, totalOccs) = flat[:3] idx = 3 docs = [termid, totalRecs, totalOccs] while idx < len(flat): doc = list(flat[idx:idx + 3]) nidx = idx + 3 + (doc[2] * self.nProxInts) doc.extend(flat[idx + 3:nidx]) idx = nidx docs.append(doc) return docs def merge_term(self, session, currentData, newData, op="replace", nRecs=0, nOccs=0): # in: struct: deserialised, new: flag # out: flat (termid, oldTotalRecs, oldTotalOccs) = currentData[0:3] currentData = list(currentData[3:]) if op == 'add': # flatten terms = [] for t in currentData: terms.extend(t) terms.extend(newData) currentData = terms if nRecs != 0: trecs = oldTotalRecs + nRecs toccs = oldTotalOccs + nOccs else: # ... trecs = oldTotalRecs + len(newData) toccs = oldTotalOccs for t in newData: toccs = toccs + t[2] raise ValueError("FIXME: mergeTerms needs recs/occs params") elif op == 'replace': recs = [(x[0], x[1]) for x in currentData] newOccs = 0 idx = 0 while idx < len(newData): end = idx + 3 + (newData[idx + 2] * self.nProxInts) new = list(newData[idx:end]) idx = end docid = new[0] storeid = new[1] if (docid, storeid) in recs: loc = recs.index((docid, storeid)) # subtract old occs occs = currentData[loc][2] newOccs -= occs currentData[loc] = new else: currentData.append(new) newOccs += new[2] trecs = len(currentData) toccs = oldTotalOccs + newOccs # now flatten currentData n = [] for s in currentData: n.extend(s) currentData = n elif op == 'delete': delOccs = 0 idx = 0 while idx < len(newData): doc = list(newData[idx:idx + 3]) idx = idx + 3 + (doc[2] * self.nProxInts) for x in range(len(currentData)): old = currentData[x] if old[0] == doc[0] and old[1] == doc[1]: delOccs = delOccs + old[2] del currentData[x] break trecs = len(currentData) - 3 toccs = oldTotalOccs - delOccs # now flatten terms = [] for t in currentData: terms.extend(t) currentData = terms merged = [termid, trecs, toccs] merged.extend(currentData) return merged def construct_resultSetItem(self, session, term, rsiType=""): # in: single triple # out: resultSetItem # Need to map recordStore and docid at indexStore item = self.indexStore.construct_resultSetItem(session, term[0], term[1], term[2]) item.proxInfo = term[3:] return item def construct_resultSet(self, session, terms, queryHash={}): # in: unpacked # out: resultSet rsilist = [] ci = self.indexStore.construct_resultSetItem s = self.resultSetClass(session, []) for t in terms[3:]: item = ci(session, t[0], t[1], t[2]) pi = t[3:] item.proxInfo = [ [pi[x:(x + self.nProxInts)]] for x in range(0, len(pi), self.nProxInts) ] item.resultSet = s rsilist.append(item) s.fromList(rsilist) s.index = self if queryHash: s.queryTerm = queryHash['text'] s.queryFreq = queryHash['occurences'] s.queryPositions = [] # not sure about this nProxInts?? try: for x in queryHash['positions'][1::self.nProxInts]: s.queryPositions.append(x) except: # no queryPos? pass if (terms): s.termid = terms[0] s.totalRecs = terms[1] s.totalOccs = terms[2] else: s.totalRecs = 0 s.totalOccs = 0 return s
[docs]class XmlIndex(SimpleIndex): """Index to store terms as XML structure. e.g.:: <rs tid="" recs="" occs=""> <r i="DOCID" s="STORE" o="OCCS"/> </rs> """ def __init__(self, session, config, parent): SimpleIndex.__init__(self, session, config, parent) # ping etree to initialize nothing = etree.fromstring("<xml/>") def _maybeCompress(self, xmlstr): compress = "0" if len(xmlstr) > 1000000: # compress compress = "1" outDoc = StringIO.StringIO() zfile = gzip.GzipFile(mode='wb', fileobj=outDoc, compresslevel=1) zfile.write(xmlstr) zfile.close() l = outDoc.tell() xmlstr = outDoc.close() return compress + xmlstr def _maybeUncompress(self, data): compress = int(data[0]) xmlstr = data[1:] if compress: # uncompress buff = StringIO.StringIO(xmlstr) zfile = gzip.GzipFile(mode='rb', fileobj=buff) xmlstr = zfile.close() buff.close() return xmlstr def serialize_term(self, session, termId, data, nRecs=0, nOccs=0): # in: list of longs val = struct.pack('lll', termId, nRecs, nOccs) xml = ['<rs tid="%s" recs="%s" occs="%s">' % (termId, nRecs, nOccs)] idx = 0 for i in range(0, len(data), 3): xml.append('<r i="%s" s="%s" o="%s"/>' % data[i:i + 3]) xml.append("</rs>") xmlstr = ''.join(xml) data = self._maybeCompress(xmlstr) final = val + data return final def deserialize_term(self, session, data, nRecs=-1, prox=1): lss3 = 3 * self.longStructSize fmt = 'lll' (termid, totalRecs, totalOccs) = struct.unpack(fmt, data[:lss3]) xmlstr = self._maybeUncompress(data[lss3:]) return [termid, totalRecs, totalOccs, xmlstr] def construct_resultSet(self, session, terms, queryHash={}): # in: [termid, recs, occs, XML] # out: resultSet rs = SimpleResultSet(session, []) if len(terms) < 3: # no data return rs rsilist = [] #ci = self.indexStore.construct_resultSetItem # Parse xml doc = etree.fromstring(terms[3]) rsi = None for elem in doc.iter(): if elem.tag == 'rs': # extract any further rs info here pass elif elem.tag == 'r': # process a hit: i, s, o if rsi: rsi.proxInfo = pi rsilist.append(rsi) vals = [int(x) for x in elem.attrib.values()] rsi = SimpleResultSetItem(session, *vals) # rsi = ci(session, *vals) rsi.resultSet = rs pi = [] elif elem.tag == 'p': # process prox info pi.append([[int(x) for x in elem.attrib.values()]]) if rsi: rsi.proxInfo = pi rsilist.append(rsi) rs.fromList(rsilist) rs.index = self if queryHash: rs.queryTerm = queryHash['text'] rs.queryFreq = queryHash['occurences'] rs.queryPositions = [] # Not sure about this nProxInts?? try: for x in queryHash['positions'][1::self.nProxInts]: rs.queryPositions.append(x) except: # No queryPos? pass if (terms): rs.termid = terms[0] rs.totalRecs = terms[1] rs.totalOccs = terms[2] else: rs.totalRecs = 0 rs.totalOccs = 0 return rs
[docs]class XmlProximityIndex(XmlIndex): """ProximityIndex to store terms as XML structure. e.g.:: <rs tid="" recs="" occs=""> <r i="DOCID" s="STORE" o="OCCS"> <p e="ELEM" w="WORDNUM" c="CHAROFFSET"/> </r> </rs> """ _possibleSettings = { 'nProxInts': { 'docs': ("Number of integers per occurence in this index for " "proximity information, typically 2 " "(elementId, wordPosition) or " "3 (elementId, wordPosition, byteOffset)"), 'type': int } } def __init__(self, session, config, parent): XmlIndex.__init__(self, session, config, parent) self.nProxInts = self.get_setting(session, 'nProxInts', 2) def serialize_term(self, session, termId, data, nRecs=0, nOccs=0): # in: list of longs npi = self.get_setting(session, 'nProxInts', 2) val = struct.pack('lll', termId, nRecs, nOccs) xml = ['<rs tid="%s" recs="%s" occs="%s">' % (termId, nRecs, nOccs)] idx = 0 while idx < len(data): xml.append('<r i="%s" s="%s" o="%s">' % tuple(data[idx:idx + 3])) if npi == 3: for x in range(data[idx + 2]): xml.append('<p e="%s" w="%s" c="%s"/>' % tuple(data[idx + 3 + (x * 3):idx + 6 + (x * 3)]) ) idx = idx + idx + 6 + (x * 3) else: for x in range(data[idx + 2]): p = tuple(data[idx + 3 + (x * 2):idx + 5 + (x * 2)]) xml.append('<p e="%s" w="%s"/>' % p) idx = idx + 5 + (x * 2) xml.append('</r>') xml.append("</rs>") xmlstr = ''.join(xml) data = self._maybeCompress(xmlstr) final = val + data return final
[docs]class RangeIndex(SimpleIndex): """Index to enable searching over one-dimensional range (e.g. time). Need to use a RangeTokenMerger """ # 1 3 should match 1, 2, 3 # a c should match a* b* c # unsure about this - RangeIndex only necessary for 'encloses' queries # Also appropriate for 'within', so implememnted - John def search(self, session, clause, db): # Check if we can just use if (clause.relation.value not in ['encloses', 'overlaps', 'within', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', '>=<']): return, session, clause, db) else: p = self.permissionHandlers.get('info:srw/operation/2/search', None) if p: if not session.user: raise PermissionException("Authenticated user required to " "search index %s" % okay = p.hasPermission(session, session.user) if not okay: raise PermissionException("Permission required to search " "index %s" % # Final destination. Process Term. res = {} # Try to get process for relation/modifier, failing that relation, # fall back to that used for data for src in self.sources.get( clause.relation.toCQL(), self.sources.get(clause.relation.value, self.sources[u'data']) ): res.update(src[1].process(session, [[clause.term.value]])) store = self.get_path(session, 'indexStore') matches = [] rel = clause.relation if (len(res) != 1): msg = "%s %s" % (clause.relation.toCQL(), clause.term.value) raise QueryException(msg, 24) keys = res.keys()[0].split('/', 1) startK = keys[0] endK = keys[1] rel = clause.relation.value if rel in ['encloses', '<', '<=']: # RangeExtractor should already return the range in ascending # order termList = store.fetch_termList(session, self, startK, relation='<') if rel == 'encloses': # list comprehension is easier to understand #termList = filter(lambda t: endK < t[0].split('/', 1)[1], # termList) termList = [t for t in termList if (t[0].split('/', 1)[1] > endK)] elif rel == '<': termList = [t for t in termList if (t[0].split('/', 1)[1] < endK)] elif rel == '<=': termList = [t for t in termList if (t[0].split('/', 1)[1] <= endK)] elif rel == 'within': termList = store.fetch_termList(session, self, startK, end=endK) # List comprehension is easier to understand #termList = filter(lambda t: endK > t[0].split('/', 1)[1], # termList) termList = [t for t in termList if (endK > t[0].split('/', 1)[1])] elif rel in ['overlaps', '>=<']: # Fetch all which start before the end point termList = store.fetch_termList(session, self, endK, relation='<=') # Filter for only those that end after start point termList = [t for t in termList if (startK <= t[0].split('/', 1)[1])] elif rel.startswith('>'): termList = store.fetch_termList(session, self, endK, relation=rel) else: # This just SHOULD NOT have happened!... msg = '%s "%s"' % (clause.relation.toCQL(), clause.term.value) raise QueryException(msg, 24) matches.extend([self.construct_resultSet(session, t[1]) for t in termList]) base = self.resultSetClass(session, [], recordStore=self.recordStore) base.recordStoreSizes = self.recordStoreSizes base.index = self if not len(matches): return base else: rs = base.combine(session, matches, clause, db) return rs
[docs]class BitmapIndex(SimpleIndex): # store as hex -- fast to generate, 1 byte per 4 bits. # eval to go from hex to long for bit manipulation _possiblePaths = { 'recordStore': { "docs": ("The recordStore in which the records are kept " "(as this info not maintained in the index)") } } def __init__(self, session, config, parent): SimpleIndex.__init__(self, session, config, parent) self.indexingData = SimpleBitfield() self.indexingTerm = "" self.recordStore = self.get_setting(session, 'recordStore', None) if not self.recordStore: rs = self.get_path(session, 'recordStore', None) if rs: self.recordStore = self.resultSetClass = BitmapResultSet def serialize_term(self, session, termId, data, nRecs=0, nOccs=0): # in: list of longs if len(data) == 1 and isinstance(data[0], SimpleBitfield): # HACK. Accept bitfield from mergeTerms bf = data[0] else: bf = SimpleBitfield() for item in data[::3]: bf[item] = 1 pack = struct.pack('lll', termId, nRecs, nOccs) val = pack + str(bf) return val def calc_sectionOffsets(self, session, start, nRecs, dataLen): # order is (of course) backwards # so we need length of data etc etc. start = (dataLen - (start / 4) + 1) - (nRecs / 4) packing = dataLen - (start + (nRecs / 4) + 1) return [(start, (nRecs / 4) + 1, '0x', '0' * packing)] def deserialize_term(self, session, data, nRecs=-1, prox=0): lsize = 3 * self.longStructSize longs = data[:lsize] terms = list(struct.unpack('lll', longs)) if len(data) > lsize: bf = SimpleBitfield(data[lsize:]) terms.append(bf) return terms def merge_term(self, session, currentData, newData, op="replace", nRecs=0, nOccs=0): (termid, oldTotalRecs, oldTotalOccs, oldBf) = currentData if op in['add', 'replace']: for t in newData[1::3]: oldBf[t] = 1 elif op == 'delete': for t in newData[1::3]: oldBf[t] = 0 trecs = oldBf.lenTrueItems() toccs = trecs merged = [termid, trecs, toccs, oldBf] return merged def construct_resultSetItem(self, session, term, rsiType=""): # in: single triple # out: resultSetItem # Need to map recordStore and docid at indexStore return self.indexStore.construct_resultSetItem(session, term[0], term[1], term[2]) def construct_resultSet(self, session, terms, queryHash={}): # in: unpacked # out: resultSet if len(terms) > 3: data = terms[3] s = BitmapResultSet(session, data, recordStore=self.recordStore) else: bmp = SimpleBitfield(0) s = BitmapResultSet(session, bmp, recordStore=self.recordStore) s.index = self if queryHash: s.queryTerm = queryHash['text'] s.queryFreq = queryHash['occurences'] if (terms): s.termid = terms[0] s.totalRecs = terms[1] s.totalOccs = terms[2] else: s.totalRecs = 0 s.totalOccs = 0 return s
[docs]class RecordIdentifierIndex(Index): _possibleSettings = { 'recordStore': { "docs": ("The recordStore in which the records are kept " "(as this info not maintained in the index)") } } def begin_indexing(self, session): pass def commit_indexing(self, session): pass def index_record(self, session, rec): return rec def delete_record(self, session, rec): pass def clear(self, session): pass def scan(self, session, clause, nTerms, direction): raise NotImplementedError() def search(self, session, clause, db): # Copy data from clause to resultSetItem after checking exists recordStore = self.get_path(session, 'recordStore') base = SimpleResultSet(session) if clause.relation.value in ['=', 'exact']: t = clause.term.value if t.isdigit(): t = long(t) if recordStore.fetch_metadata(session, t, 'wordCount') > -1: item = SimpleResultSetItem(session) = t item.recordStore = item.database = items = [item] else: items = [] elif clause.relation.value == 'any': # split on whitespace terms = clause.term.value.split() items = [] for t in terms: if t.isdigit(): t = long(t) if recordStore.fetch_metadata(session, t, 'wordCount') > -1: item = SimpleResultSetItem(session) = t item.database = item.recordStore = items.append(item) elif (clause.relation.value in ['<', '<='] and clause.term.value.isdigit()): t = long(clause.term.value) if clause.relation.value == '<': terms = range(t) else: terms = range(t + 1) items = [] for t in terms: if recordStore.fetch_metadata(session, t, 'wordCount') > -1: item = SimpleResultSetItem(session) = t item.database = item.recordStore = items.append(item) else: msg = '%s "%s"' % (clause.relation.toCQL(), clause.term.value) raise QueryException(msg, 24) base.fromList(items) base.index = self return base # rec.checksumValue
class ReverseMetadataIndex(Index): _possiblePaths = { 'recordStore': { "docs": ("The recordStore in which the records are kept " "(as this info not maintained in the index)") } } _possibleSettings = { 'metadataType': { "docs": ("The type of metadata to provide an 'index' for. " "Defaults to digestReverse.") } } def begin_indexing(self, session): pass def commit_indexing(self, session): pass def index_record(self, session, rec): return record def delete_record(self, session, rec): pass def clear(self, session): pass def scan(self, session, clause, nTerms, direction): raise NotImplementedError() def search(self, session, clause, db): mtype = self.get_setting(session, 'metadataType', 'digestReverse') recordStore = self.get_path(session, 'recordStore') base = SimpleResultSet(session) if clause.relation.value in ['=', 'exact']: t = clause.term.value rid = recordStore.fetch_metadata(session, t, mtype) if rid: item = SimpleResultSetItem(session) = rid item.recordStore = item.database = items = [item] else: items = [] elif clause.relation.value == 'any': # Split on whitespace terms = clause.term.value.split() items = [] for t in terms: rid = recordStore.fetch_metadata(session, t, mtype) if rid: item = SimpleResultSetItem(session) = rid item.database = item.recordStore = items.append(item) base.fromList(items) base.index = self return base
[docs]class PassThroughIndex(SimpleIndex): """Special Index pull in search terms from another Database.""" def _handleLxmlConfigNode(self, session, node): # Source if node.tag in ['xpath', '{%s}xpath' % CONFIG_NS, 'selector', '{%s}selector' % CONFIG_NS]: ref = node.attrib.get('{%s}ref' % CONFIG_NS, node.attrib.get('ref', '')) if ref: xp = self.get_object(session, ref) else: xp = SimpleXPathProcessor(session, node, self) xp.sources = [[xp._handleLxmlLocationNode(session, node)]] self.xpath = xp def _handleConfigNode(self, session, node): # Source if (node.localname in ["xpath", "selector"]): ref = node.getAttributeNS('ref') if ref: xp = self.get_object(session, ref) else: xp = SimpleXPathProcessor(session, node, self) xp.sources = [[xp._handleLocationNode(session, node)]] self.xpath = xp def __init__(self, session, config, parent): self.xpath = None SimpleIndex.__init__(self, session, config, parent) dbStr = self.get_path(session, 'database', '') if not dbStr: raise ConfigFileException("No remote database given in " "%s" % db = session.server.get_object(session, dbStr) if not db: raise ConfigFileException("Unknown remote database given in " "%s" % self.database = db idxStr = self.get_path(session, 'remoteIndex', "") if not idxStr: raise ConfigFileException("No remote index given in %s" % idx = db.get_object(session, idxStr) if not idx: msg = ("Unknown index %s in remote database %s for %s" % (idxStr,, raise ConfigFileException(msg) self.remoteIndex = idx idxStr = self.get_path(session, 'remoteKeyIndex', "") if idxStr: idx = db.get_object(session, idxStr) if not idx: msg = ("Unknown index %s in remote database %s for %s" % (idxStr,, raise ConfigFileException(msg) self.remoteKeyIndex = idx else: self.remoteKeyIndex = None idx = self.get_path(session, 'localIndex', None) if not idx: raise ConfigFileException("No local index given in %s" % self.localIndex = idx def search(self, session, clause, db): # First do search on remote index currDb = session.database session.database = rs =, clause, self.database) # Fetch all matched records values = {} for rsi in rs: rec = rsi.fetch_record(session) # Process xpath try: value = self.xpath.process_record(session, rec)[0][0] except: # No data where we expect it continue if value: values[value] = 1 # Construct search from keys and return local search localq = cql.parse('c3.%s any "%s"' % (, ' '.join(values.keys()))) session.database = currDb return, localq, db) def scan(self, session, clause, nTerms, direction=">="): """Scan remote index. Note Well: If term in remote doesn't appear, it's still included with trecs and toccs of 0. termid is always -1 as it's meaningless in the local context -- could be multiple or 0 """ currDb = session.database session.database = scans = self.remoteIndex.scan(session, clause, nTerms, direction, summary=0) if not scans: return [] newscans = [] storeHash = {} end = 0 endMarker = '' while True: for info in scans: if len(info) == 3: end = 1 endMarker = info[2] term = info[0] termInfo = info[1] trecs = 0 toccs = 0 termid = -1 # Construct result set is more portable but slower rs = self.remoteIndex.construct_resultSet(session, termInfo) for rsi in rs: rec = rsi.fetch_record(session) # process xpath try: value = self.xpath.process_record(session, rec)[0][0] except: # no data where we expect it continue info = self.localIndex.fetch_term(session, value, summary=1, prox=0) if info: trecs += info[1] toccs += info[2] if trecs: newscans.append([term, [termid, trecs, toccs]]) if endMarker != '': newscans[-1].append(endMarker) endMarker = '' if (not end) and len(newscans) < nTerms + 1: # fetch new scans clause.term.value = scans[-1][0] if direction == "<=": direction = "<" elif direction == ">=": direction = ">" scans = self.remoteIndex.scan(session, clause, 10, direction, summary=0) else: break if endMarker != '' and len(newscans): newscans[-1].append(endMarker) return newscans[:nTerms] def fetch_sortValue(self, session, rec): if not self.remoteKeyIndex: return '' key = self.localIndex.fetch_sortValue(session, rec) if not key: return '' currDb = session.database session.database = q = cql.parse('c3.%s exact "%s"' % (, key)) rs =, q, self.database) if rs: sv = self.remoteIndex.fetch_sortValue(session, rs[0]) else: sv = '' session.database = currDb return sv # No need to do anything during indexing def begin_indexing(self, session): pass def commit_indexing(self, session): pass def index_record(self, session, rec): return rec def delete_record(self, session, rec): pass