Source code for cheshire3.tokenizer

"""Cheshire3 Tokenizer Implementations.

A Tokenizer converts a string to a list of tokens. Lists aren't hashable so we
maintain string key. Also we're very unlikely to duplicate at this point, and
even if we do it's not important.

A Tokenizer MUST be followed by a TokenMerger merge, however, as Normalizers
won't know what to do with a list as data.

import re
import string
# Python source code tokenizer from base libs
import tokenize
import keyword
    import cStringIO as StringIO
except ImportError:
    import StringIO

from dateutil import parser as dateparser
from datetime import timedelta

from cheshire3.baseObjects import Tokenizer

[docs]class SimpleTokenizer(Tokenizer): _possibleSettings = { 'char': { 'docs': ('character to split with, or empty for default of ' 'whitespace' ) } } def __init__(self, session, config, parent): Tokenizer.__init__(self, session, config, parent) self.char = self.get_setting(session, 'char', None) def process_string(self, session, data): if self.char: return data.split(self.char) else: return data.split() def process_hash(self, session, data): kw = {} for (key, val) in data.iteritems(): nval = val.copy() nval['text'] = self.process_string(session, val['text']) kw[key] = nval return kw
class OffsetTokenizer(Tokenizer): def process_hash(self, session, data): kw = {} for (key, val) in data.iteritems(): nval = val.copy() (tokens, positions) = self.process_string(session, val['text']) nval['text'] = tokens nval['charOffsets'] = positions kw[key] = nval return kw
[docs]class RegexpSubTokenizer(SimpleTokenizer): u"""Substitute regex matches with a character, then split on whitespace. A Tokenizer that replaces regular expression matches in the data with a configurable character (defaults to whitespace), then splits the result at whitespace. """ _possibleSettings = { 'regexp': { 'docs': ("Regular expression to match and replace with instances " "of 'char' before spltting on whitespace") }, 'char': { 'docs': '' } } def __init__(self, session, config, parent): SimpleTokenizer.__init__(self, session, config, parent) pre = self.get_setting(session, 'regexp', u"""(?x)([-.,'\")}\]]+((?=\s)|$)|(^|(?<=\s)) [-.,']+|[`~!@+=\#\&\^*()\[\]{}\\\|\":;<>? /\u2026\u2013\u2014\u2018\u2019\u201c \u201d]|\.\.\.)""" ) # all strings should be treated as unicode internally # this is default for lxml - primary Record implementation self.regexp = re.compile(pre, re.UNICODE) self.char = self.get_setting(session, 'char', ' ') def process_string(self, session, data): txt = self.regexp.sub(self.char, data) # kill unwanted characters return txt.split() # split at whitespace
[docs]class RegexpSplitTokenizer(SimpleTokenizer): """A Tokenizer that simply splits at the regex matches.""" _possibleSettings = { 'regexp': { 'docs': 'Regular expression used to split string' } } def __init__(self, session, config, parent): SimpleTokenizer.__init__(self, session, config, parent) pre = self.get_setting(session, 'regexp', u"""(?x)([-.,'\")}\]]+((?=\s)|$)|(^|(?<=\s)) [-.,']+|[`~!@+=\#\&\^*()\[\]{}\\\|\":;<>? /\u2026\u2013\u2014\u2018\u2019\u201c \u201d]|\.\.\.)""" ) self.regexp = re.compile(pre, re.UNICODE) def process_string(self, session, data): return self.regexp.split(data)
[docs]class RegexpFindTokenizer(SimpleTokenizer): """A tokenizer that returns all words that match the regex.""" # Some ideas thanks to NLTK's RegexpTokenizer # Some more ' words: # cat-o'-nine-tails, ne'er-do-well, will-o'-the-wisp # --- ignoring # 'tis, 'twas, 'til, 'phone # --- IMO should be indexed with leading ' # --- eg 'phone == phone # # XXX: Should come up with better solution # l'il ? y'all ? # # XXX: Decide what to do with 8am 8:00am 1.2M $1.2 $1.2M # As related to 8 am, 8:00 am, 1.2 Million, $ 1.2, $1.2 Million # vs $1200000 vs $ 1200000 vs four million dollars # Require acronyms to have at least TWO letters Eg U.S not just J. _possibleSettings = { 'regexp': { 'docs': 'Regular expression to match when finding tokens.' }, 'gaps': { 'docs': ('Does the regular expression specify the gaps between ' 'desired tokens. Defaults to 0 i.e. No, it specifies ' 'tokens to keep'), 'type': int, 'options': "0|1" } } def __init__(self, session, config, parent): SimpleTokenizer.__init__(self, session, config, parent) pre = self.get_setting(session, 'regexp', u""" (?xu) # verbose, unicode (?: [a-zA-Z0-9!#$%*/?|^{}`~&'+-=_]+@[0-9a-zA-Z.-]+ # email |(?:[\w+-]+)?[+-]/[+-] # genetic alleles |\w+(?:-\w+)+ # hypenated word (?:'(?:t|ll've|ll|ve|s|d've|d|re))? # with/without 'suffix |[$\xa3\xa5\u20AC]?[0-9]+(?:[.,:-][0-9]+)+[%]? # date/num/money/time |[$\xa3\xa5\u20AC][0-9]+ # single money |[0-9]+(?=[a-zA-Z]+) # split: 8am 1Million |[0-9]+% # single percentage |(?:[A-Z]\.)+[A-Z\.] # abbreviation |[oOd]'[a-zA-Z]+ # o'clock, O'Brien, d'Artagnan |[a-zA-Z]+://[^\s]+ # URI |\w+'(?:d've|d|t|ll've|ll|ve|s|re) # don't, we've |(?:[hH]allowe'en|[mM]a'am|[Ii]'m|[fF]o'c's'le|[eE]'en|[sS]'pose) |[\w+]+ # basic words, including + )""") self.regexp = re.compile(pre, re.UNICODE) self.gaps = self.get_setting(session, 'gaps', 0) def process_string(self, session, data): if self.gaps: return [tok for tok in self.regexp.split(data) if tok] else: return self.regexp.findall(data)
[docs]class RegexpFindOffsetTokenizer(OffsetTokenizer, RegexpFindTokenizer): """Find tokens that match regex with character offsets. A Tokenizer that returns all words that match the regex, and also the character offset at which each word occurs. """ def __init__(self, session, config, parent): # Only init once! RegexpFindTokenizer.__init__(self, session, config, parent) def process_string(self, session, data): tokens = [] positions = [] for m in self.regexp.finditer(data): tokens.append( positions.append(m.start()) return (tokens, positions)
[docs]class RegexpFindPunctuationOffsetTokenizer(RegexpFindOffsetTokenizer): def process_string(self, session, data): tokens = [] positions = [] for m in self.regexp.finditer(data): tokens.append( i = m.start() while i > 0 and data[i - 1] in string.punctuation: i = i - 1 positions.append(i) return (tokens, positions) # Was a text mining util, now should reformulate workflows
[docs]class SentenceTokenizer(SimpleTokenizer): def __init__(self, session, config, parent): self.paraRe = re.compile('\n\n+', re.UNICODE) self.sentenceRe = re.compile( '.+?(?<!\.\.)[\.!?:]["\'\)]?(?=\s+|$)(?![a-z])', re.UNICODE | re.DOTALL ) self.abbrMashRe = re.compile( ''' (?xu) # verbose, unicode (^|\s) # leading spaces ([^\s]+?\.[a-zA-Z]+| Prof|Dr|Sr|Mr|Mrs|Ms|Jr|Capt|Gen|Col|Sgt| # common abbrevs [ivxjCcl]+|[A-Z] )\. # Acronyms? (\s|$) # trailing space ''', re.UNICODE ) def process_string(self, session, data): ps = self.paraRe.split(data) sents = [] for p in ps: s = self.abbrMashRe.sub('\\1\\2&#46;\\3', p) sl = self.sentenceRe.findall(s) if not sl: s += '.' sl = self.sentenceRe.findall(s) sents.extend(sl) ns = [] for s in sents: ns.append(s.replace("&#46;", '.')) return ns
[docs]class LineTokenizer(SimpleTokenizer): "Trivial but potentially useful Tokenizer to split data on whitespace." def process_string(self, session, data): return data.split('\n')
[docs]class DateTokenizer(SimpleTokenizer): """Tokenizer to identify date tokens, and return only these. Capable of extracting multiple dates, but slowly and less reliably than single ones. """ _possibleDefaults = { 'datetime': { "docs": ("Default datetime to use for values not supplied in the " "data") } } _possibleSettings = { 'fuzzy': { "docs": "Should the parser use fuzzy matching.", 'type': int, 'options': '0|1' }, 'dayfirst': { "docs": ("Is the day before the month (when ambiguous). " "1 = Yes, 0 = No (default)"), 'type': int, 'options': '0|1' } } def __init__(self, session, config, parent): SimpleTokenizer.__init__(self, session, config, parent) default = self.get_default(session, 'datetime') self.fuzzy = self.get_setting(session, 'fuzzy') self.dayfirst = self.get_setting(session, 'dayfirst') self.normalisedDateRe = re.compile('(?<=\d)xx+', re.UNICODE) self.isoDateRe = re.compile(''' ([0-2]\d\d\d) # match any year up to 2999 (0[1-9]|1[0-2]|xx)? # match any month 01-12 or xx (0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]|xx)? # match any date up to 01-31 or xx ''', re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE) if default: self.default = dateparser.parse(default.encode('utf-8'), dayfirst=self.dayfirst, fuzzy=self.fuzzy) else: self.default = dateparser.parse('2000-01-01', fuzzy=True) def _convertIsoDates(self, mo): dateparts = [] for x in range(2, 4): if dateparts.append( return '-'.join(dateparts) def _tokenize(self, data, default=None): if default is None: default = self.default # Deconstruct data word by word and feed to parser until success. # Must be a better way to do this..., but for now... tks = [] wds = data.split() while (len(wds)): for x in range(len(wds), 0, -1): txt = ' '.join(wds[:x]).encode('utf-8') try: t = dateparser.parse(txt, default=default, dayfirst=self.dayfirst, fuzzy=self.fuzzy ).isoformat() except: continue else: tks.append(t) break wds = wds[x:] return tks def process_string(self, session, data): # Convert ISO 8601 date elements to extended format (YYYY-MM-DD) for # better recognition by date parser data = self.isoDateRe.sub(self._convertIsoDates, data) if len(data): # a range? bits = [] if data.count('/') == 1: bits = data.split('/') # ISO allows YYYY-MM and YYYY-Www elif data.count('-') == 1 and (data.find('-') < len(data) - 4): bits = data.split('-') if len(bits): # Use a new default, just under a year on for the end of the # range td = timedelta(days=365, hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59, microseconds=999999) tks = self._tokenize(bits[0]) + \ self._tokenize(bits[1], self.default + td) else: tks = [] if len(tks): return tks return self._tokenize(data)
[docs]class DateRangeTokenizer(DateTokenizer): """Tokenizer to identify ranges of date tokens, and return only these. e.g. >>> self.process_string(session, '2003/2004') ['2003-01-01T00:00:00', '2004-12-31T23:59:59.999999'] >>> self.process_string(session, '2003-2004') ['2003-01-01T00:00:00', '2004-12-31T23:59:59.999999'] >>> self.process_string(session, '2003 2004') ['2003-01-01T00:00:00', '2004-12-31T23:59:59.999999'] >>> self.process_string(session, '2003 to 2004') ['2003-01-01T00:00:00', '2004-12-31T23:59:59.999999'] For single dates, attempts to expand this into the largest possible range that the data could specify. e.g. 1902-04 means the whole of April 1902. >>> self.process_string(session, "1902-04") ['1902-04-01T00:00:00', '1902-04-30T23:59:59.999999'] """ def process_string(self, session, data): # Convert ISO 8601 date elements to extended format (YYYY-MM-DD) # for better recognition by date parser data = self.isoDateRe.sub(self._convertIsoDates, data) if not data: return [] midpoint = len(data) / 2 if data[midpoint] in ['/', '-', ' ']: startK = data[:midpoint] endK = data[midpoint + 1:] elif len(data.split(' to ')) == 2: startK, endK = data.split(' to ') elif data.count('/') == 1: startK, endK = data.split('/') # ISO allows YYYY-MM and YYYY-Www elif data.count('-') == 1 and (data.find('-') < len(data) - 4): startK, endK = data.split('-') else: startK = endK = data starts = self._tokenize(startK) ends = [] days = 365 # For end point use a new default, just under a year on for the end # of the range. Also account for varying month lengths. while not ends and days > 361: td = timedelta(days=days, hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59, microseconds=999999 ) ends = self._tokenize(endK, self.default + td) days -= 1 return starts + ends
[docs]class PythonTokenizer(OffsetTokenizer): """ Tokenize python source code into token/TYPE with offsets """ def __init__(self, session, config, parent): OffsetTokenizer.__init__(self, session, config, parent) self.ignoreTypes = [tokenize.INDENT, tokenize.DEDENT, tokenize.NEWLINE, tokenize.NL, tokenize.ENDMARKER] def process_string(self, session, data): io = StringIO.StringIO(data) toks = [] posns = [] totalChrs = 0 currLine = 0 prevLineLen = 0 for tok in tokenize.generate_tokens(io.readline): (ttype, txt, start, end, lineTxt) = tok if start[0] != currLine: totalChrs += prevLineLen prevLineLen = len(lineTxt) currLine = start[0] # maybe store token if not ttype in self.ignoreTypes: tname = tokenize.tok_name[ttype] if tname == "NAME" and keyword.iskeyword(txt): toks.append("%s/KEYWORD" % (txt)) else: toks.append("%s/%s" % (txt, tokenize.tok_name[ttype])) posns.append(totalChrs + start[1]) return (toks, posns)